The Lower School Celebrates Saint Patrick’s Day

2011-03 LS Saint Patrick's Day HNO SLIDESHOW - Images by The Harker School

Hot potatoes, lucky ducks, jigs and shamrock seas, oh my!  The lower school celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day by participating in a series of themed events. All day before the spirit assembly, fourth and fifth grade areas were scoured by students looking for hidden shamrocks to exchange for points at the St. Paddy’s Day assembly, which included a number of celebratory games.

In one contest, ten students from each homeroom were selected to play hot potato in separate circles. The students passed the potatoes along as quickly as possible until the music stopped, and whoever was left holding the potato was out! In a game of balance, five students from each homeroom were asked to navigate the Shamrock Sea (moving from one point to another) without falling in.

In the final game, five students from each homeroom ran in the “Lucky Duck Relay.” Each homeroom formed a group at the spoke of a wheel, with the hub being a tub of rubber ducks. Each student would run to the tub and then attempt to balance the duck on his or her head on the way back to the group; if it fell they had to start again at the tub.

The most spirited of the students who dressed up were selected, escorted on stage, and awarded points for their costumes and jigging abilities.  All of the students had a great time and enjoyed their opportunity to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day.