Harker Science Program Featured in Sunday Mercury News

Mar. 15, 2011
[Update] KQED radio featured a short interview on their California Report this moring with Nikhil Parthasarathy, grade 12, as he and classmate Rohan Mahajan await the judges’ final decision in the Intel Science Talent Search contest in Washington D.C..  Harker is the only school this year with two finalists in the contest.

Mar. 14, 2011
The Harker School was featured in a front page article in the San Jose Mercury News Sun., Feb. 13, 2011.

The extensive article, lauding the strengths of Harker’s science program, is by veteran reporter Lisa M. Krieger, who made several visits to the campus in February and March to spend time with students and teachers. Longtime Mercury News photographer Patrick Tehan captured the photos for the piece. One impetus for the story was the January announcement from Intel that The Harker School was the only school in the country earning two finalist spots at their annual Intel Science Talent Search in Washington, D.C. Winners are announced March 15, 2011.

The story is inspiring comments from educators, alumni, current students, parents and others passionate about education.

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