100 Day Celebrated at Lower School

Harker grade 1 students celebrated the 100th day of school on Feb. 15 during their morning homeroom classes with a variety of fun activities. Students were encouraged to bring in 100 items. “All first graders were encouraged to bring in 100 items,” said Cindy Proctor, homeroom teacher. “We had pennies, Legos, marshmallows, beads, keychains, pens, pretzels, SillyBandz and much more.”

Students even used the “100” theme as creative inspiration, making the number “100” out of corks or pasta, and even writing their name using 100 pieces of cereal.

During their math classes, the students all did activities related to the number 100, such as writing their names as many times as possible in 100 seconds, stamping sets of ten with rubber stamps, making necklaces out of 100 beads and flipping a coin 100 times then graphing how many times it landed on heads or tails.