Prospective Parents Entertained at Open Houses

Several open houses were held at all three campuses in November and December, to give interested parents an insight into life as a Harker student. At the upper school open houses on Nov. 7 and Dec. 2, students gave presentations on school work and shared their experiences as Harker students.

Students guided guests around the Saratoga campus to show them its facilities and help them get their questions answered. Student-run clubs had tables and displays set up in Nichols Hall so that parents could get a glimpse of the various extracurricular opportunities available.

The middle school open house was held Dec. 5 and featured dance performances and a pottery-making exhibition. As at other open houses, students acted as guides around campus as prospective parents visited classrooms and chatted with teachers and administrators. BEST and other activities staff members were also present to answer questions and provide basic information.

At the lower school open house on Nov. 14, interested kindergarten and grade 1-5 parents visited at separate times and learned about the different programs from faculty, administrators and BEST staff. For those interested in Harker’s kindergarten program, four Cookies and Kindergarten events will be held Jan. 7, 10, 20 and 25 at 9 a.m. Attendees will receive a tour of the Bucknall campus and will have the opportunity to view a class session and meet with admissions staff. Reservations can be made by calling 408.871.4662 or e-mailing .