Bucknall Orchestra and Choir Perform Classics

The Bucknall Orchestra & Choir Concert in May was a special occasion for all involved. Talented musicians from K-Gr. 5 performed in the program, which featured works by Beethoven, Mozart and Handel.

One of the evening’s most memorable moments came when LS history teacher Howard Saltzman, who retires this year after 30 years of service, acted as guest conductor for The Harker School’s theme song, which was performed by the entire roster of Bucknall instrumentalists and singers.

Later on, LS instrumental studies director Louis Hoffman led the Bucknall Orchestra in their rendition of the theme from “Star Wars,” which he conducted using a plastic replica of a light saber while wearing a Darth Vader helmet.

The show concluded with the Bucknall Orchestra and Bucknall Choir (directed by LS music teacher Jennifer Cowgill) collaborating on the famous “Hallelujah Chorus” by George Frederic Handel.
