A Fashion Show First: Model Shots Taken by Student Photographers

Fashion show attendees flipping through the program will see something new this year — group shots of the models taken by Harker student photographers. In the past, a professional company handled the staged shots that identify all of the models in the show. This year, however, Sue Prutton, fashion show liaison, asked journalism teacher Chris Daren if his students would be interested in the job.

The team of photographers was led by Brianna Tran, grade 12. She and Daren coordinated the groups and scheduled the shoots, which were done in front of the library, Nichols Hall and in the quad. “There was always one main camera that was connected to the flash, but we also had side photographers shooting from different angles, or getting closer-up photos of smaller groups of models,” Tran explained.

Following the show’s theme, “When I Grow Up,” was important to Tran and Daren. They decided to group the models by age instead of separating the photos of lower, middle and upper school models as is usually done. As for the general tone of the shots, Prutton gave the students free rein. “We decided that we wanted a more relaxed, classical American look,” said Tran. “We used the photographs on (designer) Tommy Hilfiger as a base for all of our ideas.”

Tran is pleased with the results, and learned a lot from the process: “I’m very excited that I had this opportunity and I’m proud to say that the photos turned out great!”

Including Daren, the photographers who contributed to this project were: Tran, Monisha Appalaraju, Nirjhar Mundkur, Tiffany Chien, Katie Liang, Shreya Nathan, all grade 12; Isha Kawatra, Michelle Lo, Alisha Mayor, Devin Nguyen, Jennie Xu, Laura Yau, grade 11; and Megan Prakash, grade 9.

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