Third Graders Integrate Classroom Lessons with Real World Application

Third grade students visited Mission San Juan Bautista Oct. 13 to get a view of American history outside of the classroom. During the all-day trip, students not only received a tour of the grounds, they also learned about rocks at Tops A Rock Shop and bought an afternoon treat at Margot’s Ice Cream Shop.

“All in all, this gave the students three trips in one,” said history teacher Heidi Gough. “History and historical perspective, science — the rock unit is coming soon in class — and math [with] a chance to use money knowledge in a real world setting.”

Students were challenged to calculate their own tax before purchasing souvenir rocks and ice cream. Before that, they learned about the significance of the mission and its grounds through firsthand experience.

A trip taken by third graders every year, the visit to Mission San Juan Batista offered a taste of a historical town. The students were enamored by how old the buildings looked.

“Many did not even realize all they were learning!” Gough said. “Isn’t that what it’s all about?”