Design Petition Submitted for Saratoga Campus

This story was originally published in the Fall 2010 issue of Harker Quarterly
After more than 18 months of planning, which included the participation of over 580 members of the Harker community, the conceptual design of the Saratoga campus is complete.

This milestone could not have been reached without the generosity of a small group of seed investors; their funds are subsidizing the architectural drawings and the accompanying petition to rezone the Saratoga campus.

The major benefit that will result from the rezoning is that we will be able to build three stories high, four if we go underground, resulting in saving precious green open space for our students and families.

In addition to funding the architectural and permitting fees, the seed investors’ funds will be used to estimate the cost of the project and to cover fundraising expenses.

Annual Giving Pledge Week

Remember to make your Annual Giving pledge by Oct. 10 and be entered in the drawing to win a Napa weekend getaway!

Your contribution to the Annual Giving Campaign supports every single one of our students by helping to fund our many exceptional programs.

Parent Volunteer Breakfasts

As school began, each campus held breakfasts to welcome parents to the new year and show them the many exciting volunteering opportunities available to them. The first such event took place Aug. 23 at the Blackford campus’ multipurpose room. Approximately 150 middle school parents arrived to enjoy a morning meal and visit the tables set up by the various departments. The lower school breakfast on Aug. 27 was held at the Bucknall campus gym and attended by approximately 150 parents, who chatted with other enthusiastic volunteers and signed up to become volunteers themselves. The upper school event was attended by about 50 parents, who gathered at Nichols Hall on Sept. 2. All events featured fresh breakfasts, congenial company and a conversational atmosphere.
