Harker Community Turns Out for Humane Society Walk ‘n Wag

In support of the 2010-11 Bucknall theme of compassion, grade 1 teachers, including Cindy Proctor and Diann Chung, led a contingent of about 15 Harker families and teachers from several grades on the Oct. 2 Humane Society of Silicon Valley Walk ‘n Wag fundraiser.

“Most families and teachers brought their dogs, or borrowed a dog for the event,” said Proctor. “One child was dog-sitting and brought that dog. Some children came without a dog and just enjoyed everyone else’s dogs,” she said.

“I loved doing the walk,” said Lauren Beede, grade 3.  “My small dog was very tired at the end, and once we got home she drank LOTS of water. I think my dog liked it, too.” Shannon Li, grade 1,  added, “I liked meeting my teachers’ dogs,” while classmate Emily Tan encapsulated the event perfectly: “I liked playing with my friends, and I got to pet a dog, too.”

“I thought the event was a wonderful success,” said Proctor. “It brought together teachers, parents, students and dogs! It was a special opportunity to be able to have the Harker community reach out for a good cause.”

The walk supports the Humane Society of Silicon Valley and the many animals they save and care for every day.  The group walked the 1.5 mile route, and later in the year, first graders will be doing a community service project with the Humane Society.
