National Merit Winners Announced

Updated June 25, 2009 with additional winner, Chetan Vakkalagadda.

The National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) has made its first three of four announcements of scholarship winners. The first announcement presents the winners of corporate sponsorships, the second, National Meritsponsored awards, and the third, college-sponsored gifts. Watch our fall edition for more college-sponsored winners, which are announced in mid-July.

These scholars, all Gr. 12, were chosen from the finalists in the National Merit Scholarship competition, based on their PSAT scores from last year. According to NMSC, “Most of these awards are renewable for up to four years of college undergraduate study and provide annual stipends that range from $500 to $10,000 per year. Some provide a single payment between $2,500 and $5,000. Recipients can use their awards at any regionally accredited U.S. college or university of their choice.”

Congratulations to Harker’s corporate scholarship winners: Roshmi Bhattacharya – National Merit Rockwell Collins Scholarship; Sarah A. Christiano – National Merit National Distillers Distributors Foundation Scholarship; Shirley M. Galbiati – National Merit Synopsys, Inc. Scholarship.

And to our National Merit Scholarship $2,500 winners: Daniel Kim, David Kastelman, Vikram Nathan, Anu Ramachandran, Lexi Ross, Kartik Venkatraman, Susan Wang, Jeffrey Mandell, Sophia Gilman and Anand Natarajan.

A National Merit Washington University in St. Louis scholarship was awarded to Michelle Lin and Chetan Vakkalagadda (Vakkalagadda did not appear on the initial list of winners due to an omission on the list distributed to the schools by the NMSC).   Diana Lai received a National Merit University of Southern California scholarship.