Open Houses for All Grades Approaching

Harker’s open houses begin in early November with the first of two upper school open houses on Sun., Nov. 7. at 7:00 p.m. Open houses put on display the many facets of student life found at Harker, from academic requirements to athletics and student-run clubs, and give interested parents a chance to visit with teachers and administrators. Students at all three campuses give presentations of their activities and act as guides for visitors.

The lower school open house is Sun., Nov. 14. Those parents  interested in the kindergarten program attend from 11 a.m.-12 p.m.; grades 1-5 from 12 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Along with faculty and administrators, BEST staff will be on hand to answer questions about the after-school programs.

In addition to the open house, parents interested in learning more about Harker’s kindergarten offerings can attend one of four Cookies and Kindergarten tours scheduled for Jan. 7, 11, 20 and 25 at 9 a.m. A tour of the lower school campus will be conducted on each date, and parents will also have a chance to get a look at an ongoing class and chat with the admission office. Reservations are required for Cookies and Kindergarten tours. Please call 408.871.4662 or e-mail to make a reservation.

The second upper school open house is Thurs., Dec. 2, 11:30.  Students will make presentations on school work and other facets of student life and share some of their Harker experiences. The varsity Dance Troupe has appeared in the past and students act as guides to help parents see the campus and answer questions.

The middle school open house is Sun., Dec. 5, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and will be hosted in the Blackford gym and multipurpose room. Along with on-hand faculty and administrators, the event will feature student singers and dancers from school groups, along with BEST staff and other activities staff.

For more information, and the complete open house and Cookies and Kindergarten listings, visit the admission pages of our website.
