Alumna to Sing with San Francisco Symphony Chorus

Gail Nakano ’06 recently auditioned for the San Francisco Symphony Chorus and to her delight has been accepted for the 2010-11 season. Nakano just earned a chemistry degree from Vassar College where she was very involved in the choral and opera programs. For the past two years she has been with the Simon Carrington Chamber Singers. Singing in the San Francisco chorus has been a dream of hers since seeing them as a child.

“The audition went fairly well,” said Nakano. “The sight reading got a little tough for the a cappella pieces, but my piece and the excerpts in the second part … went a lot better I think.  They haven’t figured out which pieces I’ll be in yet, but I’m so happy!”

In addition, Nakano earned a chorus spot in the West Bay Opera’s fall production of “La Forza Del Destino.”

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