Senior Showcase

The Senior Showcase in April was a fun tribute and tearful farewell to the graduating seniors who spent their high school years in the Harker Conservatory, as they finally received their certificates from the program. Each student performed a piece from the repertoires they’ve been crafting for four years before receiving their certificates in their disciplines (acting, dance, instrumental and vocal music, technical theater or musical theater). Graduating seniors who performed at or produced the showcase were: Nikita Agrawal, Natasha Chitkara, Priya Bhikha, Sarah Newton, Margaret Woods (Theater); Alison Axelrad, Veronica Hsieh, Valerie Hwa, Shanna Polzin, Adrienne Wong (Dance); Namrata Anand, Alexander Creasman, Scott Mohanram, Melinda Wang (Musical Theater); Erica Hansen, Jacob Schwartz, Scott Underwood (Technical Theater); Nicole Lindars, Anita Satish (Vocal Music); Sonya Huang, Carissa Jansen, Miriam Lee, Elodie Nguyen, Priya Sathaye, Julia Shim, Jacqueline Son, Elaine Song, Shizuka Tiernan (Instrumental Music).
