Circle Celebration

Reprinted from the Harker Quarterly June 2010 issue

The Head of School’s Circle Celebration took place in late April for Harker’s most generous donors and Parent Development Council (PDC) members. Guests were treated to performances by a woodwind quintet from The Harker School Orchestra, Downbeat, High Voltage and Showstoppers. Head of School Chris Nikoloff welcomed guests, thanked them for their wonderful support and introduced two of the PDC cochairs, Tamra Amick (Michael, Gr. 9; Alyssa, Gr. 7; Julia, Gr. 3) and Brian Richardson (Ian, Gr. 8; Shannon, Gr. 6). Third co-chair Sangeeta Mehrotra (Malika, Gr. 11) was unable to attend.

After a review of progress on the new upper school library including a walk through the nearly-completed building, seniors in Downbeat related how donations have helped them by reminiscing on their involvement in the arts at Harker and sharing their college plans. Diana Nichols, former head of school and lifetime trustee, who is heading up the effort to fund the next phase of campus development, presented an overview of the master site plan and encouraged attendance at her more detailed presentations of the performing arts and athletic facilities plans, held in May (see story page 47.) The light repast was prepared by the Harker food service team under the eyes of Chef Steve Martin, Harker’s executive chef.

For more information on the master site plan and the performing arts center and athletic facility planning, contact Joe Rosenthal, executive director of advancement, at
