Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony

Middle school students took the next step toward their high school careers on June 3 at the Gr. 8 promotion ceremony. After a brief processional, Chris Nikoloff, head of school, welcomed and congratulated the students, offering some inspirational words to take with them into the summer and beyond.

After a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, a celebratory slide show commemorated the journey the eighth graders have made so far. Scott Kley-Contini, science teacher and dean of the Class of 2014, made his farewell address to the soon-to-be high school students.

Middle school vocal group Harmonics performed the Louis Armstrong classic “What a Wonderful World” before Nikoloff and Cindy Ellis, middle school division head, called up the students one by one to receive their promotion certificates.

Ellis had some heartfelt parting words of her own to offer the students. The Gr. 8 class brought the ceremony to a close with their rendition of “The Harker School Song.”