Lower School Students End School Year with Field Trips

Students at the lower school were treated to an assortment of exciting end-of-year field trips. These included the annual all-grade trips to the Exploratorium, the California Academy of Sciences, the Oakland Zoo and a special expedition to Golfland for select third- through fifth-graders.

In April, kindergarten students went on their annual adventure to the Oakland Zoo. The zoo has a variety of exhibits, with more than 650 animals for visitors to see. There are collections of geographically grouped animals, including those native to the rain forest, African savanna and California.

Every year, students in grade three are treated to a trip to the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. The academy includes an aquarium with live penguins, as well as a planetarium, a natural history museum and a rain forest dome. It provides students with an excellent means to learn about science and animal life in a fun and hands-on way.

The annual end-of-year field trip for students in fourth grade is a trip to the Exploratorium, also in San Francisco. This facility is famous for its interactive approach to science and art. Students get to learn about the science behind everyday actions like hitting a baseball or the growth of plants. The goal of this trip is not only to spark the children’s interest in science, but to also get them to think about how they view the world.

As a reward for their stellar picnic ticket sales, qualifying students at the lower school earn a trip to Golfland. Students in grades three through five must sell at least 100 tickets to go on the outing. The kids are allowed a day off from school where they can golf, play video games in the arcade and, weather permitting, enjoy the water slides. This year about 50 students met the criteria for the trip, which was postponed a day due to late spring rains. The students who attended had a blast and agreed that the wait for a sunny day was well worth it.
