Future Problem Solvers Head to Internationals

Last month, Future Problem Solvers (FPS) had 54 students qualify for the Future Problem Solving Program of California’s state tournament. They went on to earn high honors in all divisions at the San Diego event.

Harker teams swept the board, winning first, second and third places in most divisions. Of those who received honors, three teams and four individuals will be representing Harker in the international finals June 10-13 in Wisconsin.

Harker had the record for the largest delegation from one school at the state finals.

The FPS program aims to challenge students to come up with creative problem solving.  The students develop critical thinking skills by using imagination and classroom skills to solve problems  in today’s world.

In San Diego, students were asked to solve an aquaculture food-distribution crisis. In a two-hour span, students wrote a 15-page document outlining the challenges, the underlying problem and different solutions. Harker students proposed various ideas, from a dynamic change in school curriculum to a complex international antitrust agency.

Teacher Cyrus Merrill, head advisor of FPS, would like to thank the assistant coaches, computer science teacher Susan King and communication studies teacher Steve Clemmons for being an instrumental part of the students’ success.

Merrill would also like to personally recognize the senior team, who have placed first in presentation of their action plan throughout their high school career. Merrill thanks the team for setting an example for others in leadership and creative thinking. “They have qualified for internationals every year since seventh grade,” Merrill said. “They will be sorely missed.”
