Intel Finalist Receives County Commendation

On April 13, Namrata Anand, Gr. 12, was presented with a county commendation from the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. She was honored for being a national finalist in the Intel Science Talent Search. Anand traveled to Washington, D.C., to compete against 39 other students from around the country. The commendation mentioned the coverage of her achievement in the San Jose Mercury News.

To get to the finals, Anand reached conclusions about the Andromeda galaxy that could help scientists locate areas with a high likelihood of containing extraterrestrial life.

The commendation was presented by Ken Yeager, president of the board of supervisors, to R.K. Anand, Namrata’s father. He accepted on his daughter’s behalf, as she was busy rehearsing for the upper school production of “Les Miserables.”

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