Student-founded App Dev League holds in-person workshops

The App Dev League, a nonprofit founded by Harker senior Krish Maniar in 2019, recently held a series of workshops on application development in partnership with the Oakland Housing Authority and the ICA Cristo Rey Academy in San Francisco. The organization aims to equip young people in underserved communities with the tools to help their communities through app development. App Dev League holds an annual Appathon in addition to providing website development services.

Maniar, junior Kabir Ramzan and sophomore Aarav Borthakur, working with Saratoga High seniors Shafin Haque and Ishir Lakhani, offered instruction on web development through games and presentations, in addition to offering attendees shirts, gift cards and even Google Chromebooks.

Since its founding, App Dev League has reached more than 7,500 students and grown its team internationally to include 75 high school students in 15 chapters.

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