Harker community enjoys a sweet, fun-filled day at Family & Alumni Picnic

Today’s Family & Alumni Picnic brought hundreds of members of the Harker community to the lower school campus to enjoy games, food, student performances and more. Ever-popular carnival games attracted visitors to the campus blacktop to try their hands at winning various prizes. Despite the unseasonable warmth, attendees also ventured out of the shade to drive around in bumper cars, climb the rock wall and attempt to drop Harker teachers into a dunk tank. One of the more popular attractions was a mechanical unicorn that students attempted to ride without being thrown off.

At the Nichols Hall amphitheater, various student performing arts groups entertained the lunchtime audience with a show based on the popular board game Candy Land, featuring none other than Head of School Brian Yager as the Candy King. The food court was another favorite destination of this year’s picnicgoers, who dined on pizza, Indian food and more while also partaking of the confections offered at the bake sale and senior class’ candy sale. Meanwhile, the pony rides were a hit with the youngest attendees, and assortment of adorable animals at the petting zoo drew a steady crowd. 

Many thanks to all who gathered with their fellow community members at this year’s picnic. See you next year!

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