Face Time: Walid Fahmy

This story originally appeared in the spring/summer 2019 issue of Harker Magazine.

Walid Fahmy is a busy man at the lower school! He teaches health and P.E., and coaches after-school football, basketball, soccer and baseball, in addition to being a grade 5 homeroom teacher and the Spirit & Service Club coordinator. This Oakland native’s favorite things in the world are his two young sons, Marino and Rocco, but he also gets a lot of satisfaction volunteering for youth programs at his church and escaping to the beach to swim or lay in the sun. He tells Harker Magazine about a few more of his favorite things.

What do you like to do when you finally have a block of free time?
Travel, travel, travel! I have been to 15 countries and would like to add to that.

What makes you feel like a kid again?
Going to Disneyland with my boys and enjoying the rides, wearing Mickey Mouse ears and eating sugar all day!

What is something one of your parents said that you will never forget?
My dad told me, “God gave you two ears, one mouth; so listen twice as much as you talk.”

What is something interesting about you that almost no one knows?
I eat raw meat. Completely raw. I season it and never cook it.

What is the best compliment someone can give you?
I truly appreciate when someone compliments my loyalty. I feel that loyalty is a strong character trait – evident in the fact that I have been with Harker for 22 years now!

What is your most treasured memory?
Delivering my firstborn son. Mine actually were the first hands to touch him. That makes me very happy!

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