Chess enthusiasts successful in back-to-back events, win national championships

Sibling chess enthusiasts Vyom and Omya Vidyarthi – grade 6 and grade 3, respectively – have done it again! The pair traveled to Nashville over the weekend to compete at the US Chess National Elementary Championship. Both students were winners in their respective sections, with Vyom taking first in K-6 and Omya placing first in K-3. Approximately 2,000 players traveled to this event from around the US.

Previously, at the Susan Polgar National Open Championship in April, Vyom and Omya had top placements in their groups. Omya won the Under 16-Under 18 girls group, where she was the youngest competitor. Vyom, who competed in the Under 16-Under 18 boys category, tied for second place and placed third overall after a tiebreaker. Notably, he also met the 2200 rating requirement to earn the United States Chess Federation title of “National Master.”

Both students also performed well in Blitz chess events, where Vyom placed second in the Grade 5 and Up category and Omya took second place in the Grade 4 and Under section.

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