Gr. 5 Play Teaches Technology-Free Fun

The Gr. 5 show on Jan. 28-29 presented what many people would consider a nightmare scenario: a world without iPods, laptops, video games or cell phones. In the play, titled “A Kid’s Life,” an electromagnetic attack from space renders everyday technological conveniences unusable. Without the gadgets they once took for granted, the kids must learn how to unlock the power of their imaginations to have fun, in the process learning important lessons about each other, themselves and life in general.

Directed by lower school music teacher Jennifer Cowgill, the production featured the entire Gr. 5 class, with multiple actors often playing the same role. Lower school faculty and staff – including Joe Connolly, dean of students K-Gr. 5, Pat Walsh, Gr. 5 math teacher and Kristin Giammona, Gr. 4-5 division head – made special guest appearances to the delight of those in attendance.

Lower school performing arts teacher Danny Dunn acted as technical director and sound engineer, and her Gr. 5 technical theater students served as the crew during the play. Dunn’s middle school tech club created the elaborate stage props used in the production. Dunn’s husband, Beric, provided sound effects. Other assistance was provided by helpers Caela Fujii, who acted as board operator, Whitney McLelland, a long-time helper who has designed the scenery for many Gr. 5, kindergarten and holiday shows, Marylin Watts, who has designed costumes for Bucknall shows for several years, and Carol Clever, technical theater assistant for Bucknall shows who acted as stage manager during the play.

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