Fashion Show Fashions Go Green with Recyclables

Senior Priya Bhikha is putting a green spin on Harker’s fashion show. She is working on a line of recycled fashions made of items like duct tape, lollipop wrappers and water bottle labels for wear in the show.

Under construction are a total of nine outfits, six for females and three for males, all designed by Bhikha. She has been interested in design for [quote]some time and took a design course at Santa Clara University to add to her skills. It is particularly challenging to fit the garments to models – selected by Bhikha last fall in order to begin making the custom outfits – due to the non-uniform nature of the materials.

Bhikha also created a logo for her line, Rinnovo: Renewal for the Runways. Her goal with the project is to “let people know that there’s more to fashion and that with a little ingenuity and creativity, you can use your passion (fashion) and spin it a ‘green’ way.” Watch the runway at this year’s fashion show, “Outside the Box,” Fri., Feb. 19, for these unique designs. Tickets are on sale now!

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