Guest speaker informs students about dangers of plastic waste

Environmental activist Jackie Nunez visited the upper school today for a special assembly on the use of plastic and how disposable plastic products – straws, in particular – are discarded in the ocean, where they cause harm to aquatic life and enter the food chain after being consumed by animals. Students watched a pair of films about the dangers of plastic waste and learned how they can help reduce consumption and harmful disposal of plastic, including using fewer straws and requesting not to have drinks served with them at restaurants.

Later, Nunez toured the upper school lunchroom and discussed with students various ways ways in which single-use plastics could be reduced on campus, such as proposing a plastic-free day for the school and carrying their own utensils. She also left them with cards they could use to convince local establishments to only provide straws on request, as well as 100 stainless steel straws to share with their fellow students.

More information is available at The Last Plastic Straw, an organization founded by Nunez, and Save Our Shores.
