Beloved visionary and board chair Diana Nichols passes on, memorial set for Oct. 6

The Harker School announced this week the passing of Diana Nichols, board chair and former longtime school leader, who died Sept. 2, 2018 of pancreatic cancer. She was 76. Her obituary ran in the Monterey Herald and the Mercury News.

Marie Clifford, Nichols’ sister and fellow board member, said, “She died in her beloved Carmel home overlooking the Pacific, surrounded by nature. She died peacefully, with her son at her side, exactly where she wanted to be. In death, as in life, she did it her way.”

Nichols’ husband, Howard Nichols, head of the school for many years, passed away in 2008. “We are saddened today to lose the other half of this legendary team,” said Head of School Brian Yager in his message to the community. “However, Howard and Diana’s contributions to the development of The Harker School over a combined span of 45 years have left an indelible mark on the course of the school’s history. We will always be grateful.”

“Diana told me to tell the greater Harker community that she loved you all and that she was eternally grateful for your support in helping build an exemplary educational institution,” added Clifford. “She had many plans for Harker, but she felt it was now up to the next generation.”

Nichols’ wishes were for donations to be made to her favorite charity, The Harker School. Questions regarding donations can be directed to Joe Rosenthal at

A memorial to honor Diana Nichols will be held Saturday, Oct. 6 from 12-2 p.m. in the Rothschild Performing Arts Center on Harker’s upper school campus at 500 Saratoga Ave., San Jose. Please RSVP to Nicole Hall at

For those unable to attend, messages for the family, or memories that can be shared at the memorial, can be sent to or mailed to 500 Saratoga Ave., San Jose, CA 95129; regular deliveries will be made to her family.

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