Harker siblings compete in Pan Am chess championships, one takes gold, the other fifth

Harker chess powerhouses Omya Vidyarthi, rising grade 3, and brother Vyom Vidyarthi, rising grade 6, represented the United States at the 2018 Pan American Youth Chess Championships, held in Santiago, Chile, from July 21-28. Players from 22 countries participated. Omya, defending champion for the girls U8 division, upheld her crown, winning the event for a second time! She was the only player among 600-plus participants to win all nine games. In the Blitz event, Omya again stood first, winning all nine rounds. Brother Vyom had an excellent run in one of the toughest sections, taking fifth in the tournament and second in the Blitz event. Overall, Team USA earned four gold, two silver and six bronze medals to come in first in the medal count. Final standings.

Check out this very cute interview with Omya and Vyom!
