Face Time: Tobias Wade

This article originally appeared in the summer 2018 issue of Harker Magazine.

Ohio native Tobias Wade has a busy Harker life. He teaches U.S. History and World Geography at the lower school, coaches grades 4-5 after-school sports, advises the Bucknall Spirit and Service Club, and directs afternoon activities for Harker’s summer camp. But at heart, he’s a family man, grateful to hang out with his wife, son, brother and brother’s kids. Wade said his 4-year-old son, Talon, “is always making me smile. He is the reason I get up in the morning.” Read on for more about this versatile teacher.

Why do you do what you do?
I think learning is truly magic. Giving kids the tools to discover the world around them is truly a blessing. I enjoy my students’ energy and I feel it keeps me young.

What helps you persevere when you feel like giving up?
Honestly, I think about my wife. She is a three-time cancer survivor. If she can do that, then I cannot give up on anything I try to do.

What are you obsessed with?
I love zombie books and movies.

What one piece of advice you would offer anyone who asks?
Enjoy life and don’t sweat the small things; we never know how much time we have on the earth.

What are some things you like to do when you finally have a block of free time?
I like to read and play with my son. I enjoy camping, watching football and cooking. And I’m trying to learn Bonsai.
