CareerConnect speaker informs on employment in commercial art

Miya Jones, high school representative from the Art Institute of San Francisco, came to Harker in late April as part of the CareerConnect program to educate students on various employment paths in the commercial art field. She presented student portfolios from the institute, along with works ranging from caricatures to advertisement videos. 

Jones talked about potential job fields that require art skills, including culinary arts, graphic design, drawing, animation, 3-D design, photography and video game graphics. Students viewed examples of works by college students, and learned how to create a resume and display one’s works. Billy Fan, grade 9, said, “The speaker did a good job of explaining all of the features at the art institutes and gave me insight on different career paths.”

Jones also spoke to what the Art Institute provides in terms of advancing one’s career in the humanities. Maria Teplova, grade 9 noted, “(She) gave me an idea about potential college choices and whether the art institute would be good for me or not, and gave me an idea of different art major options.”

Jones stressed the importance of networking and going to college in an area that offers jobs in students’ field of interest. She ended the talk by answering students’ questions and offering them an opportunity to connect with the San Francisco Arts Institute.

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