Second Quadchella’s diverse lineup draws crowd to upper school quad

Upper school students flocked to the campus quad yesterday to see their schoolmates perform at the second Quadchella, which featured a wide assortment of singers, dancers, instrumentalists and comedians. Many acts on the bill performed their own renditions of their favorite songs. Sophomores Katelyn Chen, Smriti Vaidyanathan and Max Lee’s cover of “Rise Up” by Andra Day and a solo performance of Vance Joy’s “Riptide” by Nash Melisso, grade 10, incited an enthusiastic audience sing-along.

Computer science teacher Anu Datar and Sejal Krishnan, grade 10, teamed up for a Bollywood-inspired dance routine, one of two dance performances on the bill, the other featuring sophomores Haley Arena, Sara Lynn Sullivan and Kaidi Dai, and seniors Gloria Guo and Grace Koonmen in a tribute to several of their favorite Korean pop songs. Datar wasn’t the only faculty member to perform at the show, as longtime performing arts production manager Brian Larsen arrived to perform a solo acoustic version of the Blues Traveler hit “Runaround.”

An instrumental jazz group featuring saxophonist Bobby Schick, grade 12, guitarist Josh Valluru, grade 10, drummer and percussionist Neil Ramaswamy, grade 11, and bassist Thomas Rainow and pianist William Rainow, both grade 10, closed out the show.
