Diwali Celebration Brings Indian Culture to Gr. 1 Class

In October, Rita Stone’s Gr. 1 social studies class celebrated Diwali, an important holiday in Hindu, Sikh and Jainist cultures. In the countries where it is celebrated, such as India, Diwali is a five-day celebration that culminates in a “festival of lights,” during which people light candles and special clay lanterns called diyas.

The students in Stone’s class celebrated the holiday by enjoying Indian desserts and decorating electric diyas that were brought in by parent volunteers. Stone organized the celebration and engaged the parents to help out because she felt it was important to “become involved in other cultures.” Staging a holiday celebration, she said, was a good way to make sure the students learn from the experience because they will remember the craft activities and ethnic foods. “It really has a lot of meaning for them,” she said.