Keller Alumni Tour 2017

This article originally appeared in the summer 2017 Harker Magazine.

The annual alumni tour of Butch Keller, upper school division head, and his wife, Jane, upper school math teacher, began in March with a trip to Southern California to watch Izzy Connell ’13 in her final track meet as a Pepperdine student and have dinner with the rest of the Harker alumni at Pepperdine.

Josh Tien ’13 and Alisa Wakita ’16 joined the Kellers and Connell for dinner the next evening where the group celebrated Connell’s engagement to Ryan Mui ’13, who had proposed that day. Mui is currently at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. “It’s a great opportunity to get to know Mr. and Mrs. Keller on a more personal level,” said Connell.

The East Coast leg of the Keller Tour started with several fun-filled days in New York City. At their next stop, New Haven, Conn., the Kellers met up with Alyssa Amick ’15 for lunch and a tour of the Yale campus. They then had dinner with other Yale students at Elm City Social.

In Ann Arbor, Mich., the Kellers toured the University of Michigan campus with Sheridan Tobin ’15, followed by lunch with Tobin and Arjun Ashok ’15 at the famous Zingerman’s Delicatessen. Dinner that night with other Harker alumni attending Michigan brought many smiles and plenty of laughter. “The sense of community at Harker has always been so special,” said Tobin, “and the Keller Tour was the perfect reminder of that.”

The final stop brought the Kellers to the University of Washington. Sean Pan ’14 met the Kellers for lunch and a tour of the UW campus. “I was very glad to have gotten dinner on the Keller Tour at least once during my four years in college!” said Pan.

Though it was a rainy trip, noted Jane Keller, “the weather could not dampen the joy in seeing our alums fulfilling their dreams in the next phase of their education.”

Search for “Keller Tour” in Harker News for more details on this annual journey!
