Class Notes — Harker Academy 1959-1991 – Harker Magazine Winter 2016

This article originally appeared in the winter 2016 Harker Magazine.

Class of 1982

Dana Lurie married her best friend of 10 years, Dalila Vargas, on Oct. 22. Janean Mariani and Michele Magboo, along with their husbands, helped Dana and Dalila celebrate the day. In 2015 the couple spent two months driving around the country in a camper van, visiting as many national parks as possible. Dana is looking forward to the 35th reunion and seeing as many classmates as possible! Pictured with Dana and Dalila is Janean.

Liz Robertson reports that she and her husband, Keil Albert, are active supporters of their son’s parent participa­tion school, Stevenson PACT in Mountain View. Keil works with the parent education committee and Liz with the garden committee. In past years Keil also has taught science. Keil is a volunteer golf coach at First Tee of Silicon Valley and is celebrating his 22nd year at Geoconsultants in San Jose, locating water well sites and designing pro­duction wells. Liz is celebrat­ing her 12th year at SciGene in Sunnyvale, applying her marketing skills and running the company, which man­ufactures instruments and reagents for genetic testing, for the president/owner, who lives in Pasadena. “Our new ‘favorite’ vacation destination is Austin, Texas, which we visit twice a year since my parents and brother relocated there about 10 years ago,” Liz reports. “We love to swim, golf, go to waterparks and attend concerts in my parents’ new home city of Georgetown, an Austin suburb, which has the ‘Most Beautiful Town Square’ in Texas. We are all looking forward to a Christmas cruise with my folks and my broth­er’s family (10 in all) to the Ca­ribbean. We have our Stingray City/Dolphin Adventure shore excursion in Grand Cayman already booked! I am also the webmaster for the California Groundwater Association.”
