Eighth Graders Earn Unusual Privilege for Great Behavior

Gr. 8 students have earned the unique privilege of free dress in shoes for exemplary behavior as a whole. Starting after the winter holiday break, all eighth graders may wear their choice of shoes on any day of the week, including Monday, usually formal uniform day.

Lana Morrison, middle school dean of students, and Cindy Ellis, middle school head, met with students to make the announcement. “We have witnessed them act positively towards their peers, faculty and staff as an overall class of young men and women,” said Morrison.  “Given this enthusiastic and energetic bunch of eighth grade students, we are excited to see what they will accomplish in semester two.”

The only limitation to the free shoe policy is “no flip-flops allowed,” noted Morrison, and “we do ask they keep at least one pair of black shoes for our annual award program at the end of the year. This special privilege begins officially on January 4. It’s time to celebrate!”