Quiz bowl team takes first place at Northern California event, headed to nationals

Earlier this month, Harker took first place at the 2017 Northern California State Championship quiz bowl tournament, organized by National Academic Quiz Tournaments. The Harker A team of senior Nikhil Manglik, juniors Swapnil Garg and Edgar Lin, and freshman Kyle Li went 10-1 overall in the event, which took place April 15 at U.C. Berkeley. In a format similar to game shows, players were asked questions on a wide variety of topics and had to “buzz in” to answer the question before the opposing team. 

The Harker A team — minus Garg, due to a schedule conflict — will be competing at the national championship in Atlanta in May, as will another team from Harker made up of ninth graders Arun Sundaresan, Jeffrey Fung and Rohan Cherukuri. Best of luck!
