Arts LIVE for Three to FIVE! dance concert at Harker Preschool

Preschoolers were treated to the third of four Arts LIVE concerts, this one featuring both the upper school Junior Varsity Dance team and the boy’s hip-hop group, Kinetic Krew. The show included a variety of dance styles that included, jazz, ballet and hip-hop.

The dancers taught the children some simple warm-up stretches and a short dance routine. Each child received a Family Coloring & Activity Booklet, created by Mara Beckerman, the preschool’s music and movement specialist, to encourage conversation about the concert. The booklet contains photos from the performance, including the audience, as well as activities and coloring pages for parents to do with their children. It was a great show and the upper school students really enjoyed sharing their talents with the younger students! See the short video on Instagram at harkerschool. 
