CareerConnect brings in tech recruiter to refine resume writing

This report prepared by Neha Tallapragada, grade 10.

In late February, CareerConnect hosted a Resume Building Workshop led by Marissa Enfantino, a recruiter for Adobe and former recruiter for Facebook University. She spoke to around 40 students about how to craft the perfect resume for colleges, internships and jobs. 

At the luncheon, students learned the importance of both content and appearance in a resume. Speaking from her experiences as a job recruiter, Enfantino discussed topics ranging from the importance of engaging with the community to the significance of having a resume that looks professional and organized. Anusha Kuppahally, grade 10, said of the event, “I really liked the resume workshop; it was very informative on how we should format our resumes to have a higher chance of getting selected for the programs we apply to.” 

Overall, it was a valuable opportunity for students to receive advice that applies to their experiences outside of the classroom.
