Grade 5 students explore Marin Headlands

Grade 5 students recently enjoyed a three-day trek through the Marin Headlands, taking in the natural beauty of the northern Bay Area. Elementary Division Head Kristin Giammona sent the following write-up from the trip.

We are having a spectacular time on the trip. It is currently 72 degrees and sunny. We could not have asked for better weather. All of the children are currently out hiking on the trails and experiencing gorgeous views of San Francisco and the bay. Some groups went to the lighthouse, and other groups hiked up Hawk Hill. I am sure everyone will sleep well tonight.

Yesterday, we arrived at 11:45 a.m. and had lunch by the ocean. All of the groups ventured out to the beach, and some groups did lab work yesterday. We all went on a night hike to the beach to experience a special treat the children can share with you. We also had a great dinner with mac and cheese, pulled pork, carrots and an elaborate salad bar.

This morning we had croissants, blueberry muffins, scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, yogurt and cereal. We are definitely well fed. The children are looking forward to tonight’s dinner and a fun campfire.

The children have been a delight, and they are fortunate to have this experience.
