Storyteller Jim Cogan regales lower school students with tales of kindness

Late last month, storyteller and frequent Harker guest Jim Cogan made an appearance at the lower school, regaling the students with his upbeat and animated performance style. Cogan told stories at two separate assemblies, one for students in grades K-3 and another for grades 4 and 5. As in years past, several of the tales he shared were from Native American and African cultures, including the Inuit yarn of a boy whose selfishness leads his community to go hungry, and a story from Ghana about a girl who teaches her adoptive family about the importance of compassion.

As always, the audience of students and faculty greatly enjoyed the performances and tales of kindness. “Jim is fantastic at tailoring his stories to the character trait that is the emphasis for all the students,” said lower school librarian Kathy Clark.

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