Upper and Middle School Students Score in Latin Contest

Harker students received high honors in late October, placing in the top three on various academic tests and in the Open Certamen of Ludi Octobres, Junior Classical League’s fall mini-convention. These games are a preliminary to the California JCL convention that will be held in Irvine in April.

For level four and above, April Luo, Gr. 11, placed first in Latin Derivatives and third in Pentathlon; Anjali Menon, Gr. 12, first in Mottoes, Quotations and Abbreviations and second in Latin Reading Comprehension; Jessica Lin, Gr. 10, first in Roman Daily Life; Brandon Araki, Gr. 12, first in Latin Vocabulary and first in Latin Reading Comprehension; Alexander Hsu, Gr. 10, second in Latin Grammar; Prag Batra, Gr. 10, third in Mottoes, Quotations and Abbreviations, first in Myth Spelling Bee, and second in Latin Derivatives; Phillip Oung, Gr. 10, first in Mythology.

For level three, Richard Fan, received first in Roman Daily Life and first in Mythology; Suchita Nety, second in Mottoes, Quotations and Abbreviations and third in Pentathlon; Sean Fernandes, second in Roman Daily Life and third in Mythology; Anuj Sharma, first in Mottoes, Quotations and Abbreviations and third in Latin Grammar; Shannon Su, second in Latin Derivatives; Michael Cheng, third in Latin Grammar and first in Latin Vocabulary; Jenny Chen, third in Latin Reading Comprehension. All of these students are Gr. 9.

In Open Certamen, a quiz bowl game, Harker students were split into different teams with students from other schools and Araki and Menon’s team placed second. Ramya Rangan, Gr. 10 and Nety were also recognized, placing third and first respectively.

At the middle school level one, Sadhika Malladi, Gr. 6, placed third in Reading Comprehension. At the middle school advanced level, Anni Ankola, Gr. 7, placed second in Mythology; Oishi Banerjee, Gr. 8, first in Mottoes, Quotes and Abbreviations and second in Reading Comprehension; Aadyot Bhatnagar, Gr. 7, first in Vocabulary and first in Reading Comprehension; Kevin Duraiswamy, Gr. 8, first in Reading Comprehension and second in Mottoes, Quotes and Abbreviations. In Open Certamen, Banerjee’s team placed first and Bhatnagar’s placed third.

Additionally, Ankola, Vivek Sriram, Ryan Pachauri and Billy Bloomquist, all Gr. 7, placed third in the impromptu art competition.
