Families Tour Saratoga During Open House

Prospective families visited the Upper School Open House on Nov. 6 to get a sneak peek at Harker student life and meet several of its faculty members. Student presentations were made by Namrata Anand, Kelsey Hilbrich, Mahum Jamal, Melinda Wang and Andrew Zhou, all Gr. 12; and Esther Belogolovsky, Rishi Bhatia and Tyler Koteskey, all Gr. 11. They spoke to the audience about student life and shared some of their memorable experiences at Harker. Families also saw a performance by the varsity Dance Troupe and toured the Saratoga campus, meeting its teachers and students while learning more about the various programs and clubs available for upper school students. Students acted as guides during the open house to help the event run more smoothly.