Middle School Quiz Bowl Team Has Great Outing, Takes Fifth at Nationals

The middle school Quiz Bowl team took fifth place at nationals in Atlanta this past weekend. “They performed incredibly well and earned a fifth place finish overall out of 160 teams that qualified for and attended nationals,” said advisor Jonathan Brusco. “Keep in mind that there were hundreds of other teams around the nation that didn’t qualify to even attend, so this makes their finish even more impressive.

“They were one very close game away from making the semifinals. In addition to this finish, Kyle Li, grade 8, also ranked as the 25th highest individual score out of the 600-plus students in the competition.” Team members are Li; Jin Tuan, grade 8; Jeffrey Fung, grade 8; Aksay Manglik, grade 7;  and Arun Sundaresan, grade 8. Sankar Sundaresan, Arun’s father, was instrumental in coaching the team at nationals.
