Upper School Choral Concert Features Spanish Songs and Modern Favorites

Upper school vocal groups Bel Canto, Camerata, Guys’ Gig, Cantilena, Acoustics and Downbeat took the stage at the Nichols Hall auditorium on April 29 for the final upper school choral concert of the year.

Titled “¡Yo le Canto!” the concert featured several songs sung in Spanish, from composers including Juan Ponce, Josquin des Prez and Carlos Benavides. The performers’ repertoire also included a number of popular modern songs, including Seal’s “Kiss From a Rose” (performed by Downbeat, with accompaniment from senior Gurutam Thockchom on guitar and freshman Neil Ramasawamy on drums), Queen’s “You’re My Best Friend” (performed by Guys’ Gig) and the finale, a performance of Billy Joel’s “River of Dreams” by Downbeat and Bel Canto. What a great show to wrap up the choral performance year!

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