Forty Students Inducted into National Honor Society

Two score students were inducted in the National Honor Society in October. Please congratulate the following honorees:

Senior Ryan Fan; Juniors: Ambrish Amaranathan, Monisha Appalaraju, Roshni Bhatnagar, Meghna Chatterjee, Daniel Cho, Timothy Chou, Katharine Forsberg, Saloni Gupta, Sheridan Jones, Ashtyn Ka, Arthi Kumar, Alice Loofbourrow, Partha Mahajani, Jasmine Nee, Chris Ng, Margaux Nielsen, Tanya Rai, Ava Rezvani, James Seifert, Michelle Vu, Karen Wong; Sophomores: Aditi Ashok, Sarika Asthana, Prag Batra, Sally Chen, Nicole Dalal, Sarah Howells, Arihant Jain, Daanish Jamal, Neha Kumar, Jeffrey Kwong, Priyanka Mody, Shilpa Nataraj, Ramya Rangan, Pavitra Rengarajan, Sonya Shekhar, Ananth Subramaniam, Jennie Xu.