Fashion Show Activity Ramps Up: Models Needed

The 2010 fashion show, “Outside the Box,” is coming on fast; designers are hard at work on specialty garments and model tryouts are just around the corner.

A team of six upper school students, led by Priya Bhikha, Gr. 12, is hoping to complete a half-dozen garments made from recycled material. The call has gone out for plastic bags, soda can tabs, paper clips, unused coffee filters, unused duct tape and CDs.

These items will be used by the team to make outfits of recycled materials for one of the fashion show segments, and to get enough material, all three campuses are collecting. “We won’t be able to return any of these items (obviously), so please make sure they don’t donate their mom’s favorite Barry Manilow CD,” said Sue Prutton, director of US volunteer programs and fashion show liaison. The recycled outfits will augment fashions provided by Macys and the Tuxedo Wearhouse at Westgate Mall.

Along with the behind-the-scenes work, there are models to select and train. Applications are due this Thursday, Nov. 5, and tryouts are Sunday. Harker Students, parents, faculty, grandparents and staff are all welcome to try out. There is an optional workshop on Saturday, too. Details are online in the Harker Parent Portal.