Harker DECA Earns Top Placings at State Career Development Conference

In early March, 89 Harker students traveled to sunny San Diego to compete with over 2,000 other California DECA members at the State Career Development Conference.

The results are as follows:

First Place

  • Alexander Mo, grade 11, Business Growth Plan
  • Natasha Maniar and Kelsey Wu, both grade 9, Innovation Plan
  • Enya Lu, grade 9, Financial Consulting Event
  • Neelesh Ramachandran, grade 10, Personal Financial Literacy
  • Enya Lu, grade 9, Principles of Finance
  • Shannon Hong and Sophia Luo, both grade 12, Travel and Tourism Marketing Team Decision Making Event

Second Place

  • Mona Lee, grade 10, Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series
  • Alexis Gauba, grade 11, Business Services Marketing Series

Third Place

  • Brandon Mo, grade 10, Independent Business Plan
  • Sanil Rajput, grade 12, Financial Literacy Promotion Plan
  • Shreyas Chandrashekaran, Shaan Gagneja and Neelesh Ramachandran, all grade 10, Finance Operations Research Event
  • Vignesh Panchanatham, grade 10, Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling

Fourth Place

  • Erin Liu, grade 9, Business Growth Plan
  • Shannon Hong and Sophia Luo, both grade 12, and Lucas Wang, grade 11, International Business Plan
  • Alexander Wang, grade 10, Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series

Fifth Place

  • Lucas Wang, grade 11, Business Finance Series
  • Shreyas Chandrashekaran, grade 10, Marketing Management Series
  • Rahul Mehta and Vanessa Tyagi both grade 10, Sports and Entertainment Team Decision Making Event

Seventh Place

  • Shivani Awasthi and Ankita Uppugunduri, grade 11, Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event
  • Emaad Raghib, grade 11, Principles of Finance

Eighth Place

  • Shea Tuli, grade 10, Personal Financial Literacy

10th Place

  • Helen Yang, grade 9, Advertising Campaign Event
  • Amitej Mehta and Vignesh Panchanatham, both grade 10, Business Law and Ethics Team Decision Making Event
  • Ananya Krishnan, grade 10, Buying and Merchandising Operations Research Event
  • Ezra Bekele, grade 11, Personal Financial Literacy
  • Michael Sikand and Dolan Dworak, both grade 10, Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making Event

Additionally, 15 Harker teams qualified for the International Career Development Conference, which will be held in Nashville, Tenn., in late April.

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