Dakota McNealy Signs with Stanford

Senior Dakota McNealy’s stellar golf career at Harker will come to an end this spring, but his future looks bright! McNealy recently signed on to play collegiate golf at Stanford, joining his brother Maverick McNealy ’13.

“I could not pass up the chance to get to be around so many outstanding people and play with my brother for a year on a great golf team,” said McNealy when asked why he chose Stanford. “Obviously playing with Maverick is going to be an awesome experience, but I’m also excited to focus solely on golf and academics.”

In an interview with Palo Alto Online, Stanford head coach Conrad Ray said, “We are excited to welcome Dakota McNealy to the Stanford family. He is amazing in the classroom, first and foremost, but also a tremendous athlete.” And it takes a tremendous athlete to play for the Stanford golf team, as it is currently ranked fifth in the nation.

Even though Dakota is excited about his future at Stanford, he is focused on finishing strong at Harker. “Playing for Harker has been a blast and I’m excited to see how far we can go this year,” he said. 

Linked below are two of the many press notices on Dakota’s signing. Good luck this year and beyond, Dakota!



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