Senior Organizes Fundraising Concert for Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area

On the evening of Sept. 12, senior Arun Shriram combined his love of music with his drive to help others by holding a fundraising concert on behalf of Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area.

Called “Around the World!” the concert, held at Good Samaritan United Methodist Church in Cupertino, showcased music from several different cultures. More than a dozen other Harker students were involved in the effort.

And, appearing on saxophone, was Harker staff member Alejandro Osorio, who works at Harker’s tech help desk. Of Shriram, Osorio said, “He’s a very good musician. He comes from a musical family and in his own right is really talented.”

“The concert was a phenomenal success!” noted Shriram, who learned to play the Indian drums from his father.

“I started this concert after being inspired by my role as an Indian percussionist in the San Francisco World Music Festival. There, there were professional musicians from countries all around the world, such as Tibet, India, China, Latin America, Korea, Azerbaijan and Uganda. I knew that a lot of my friends at school were very talented in music, and being an Indian percussionist as well as an orchestral percussionist, I was able to bring in friends from both worlds and present music from different parts of the globe. That’s why I called it ‘Around the World,’ and I chose the charity Make-A-Wish because I feel that their mission really aligned with me.”

The concert “was absolutely magical,” noted Smriti Koodanjeri, Harker chemistry teacher. “The artistry, love and giving from so many Harker students brought tears to my eyes. The fusion of Eastern and Western music was simply outstanding!”

Each year, tens of thousands of volunteers, donors and supporters like Shriram advance the Make-A-Wish effort to grant the wishes of children diagnosed with life-threatening medical conditions. In the United States and its territories, on average, a wish is granted every 37 minutes.

The event has raised over $3,900 and donations are still being accepted until Sept.23. For more information on how to donate, email

Check out the performer’s promo video as well as a video taken during the live concert!

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