Eagle Report – Lower School

2014 HQSp LS Sports - Images by The Harker School The Harker School

This article originally appeared in the spring 2014 Harker Quarterly.

The late winter sports season is coming to an end. Congratulations to all the boys soccer and girls basketball for a great season!

We had two league champions this season (grade 5 girls basketball and grade 5 boys soccer) and a tournament champion (grade 5 girls basketball). Read on for details!

Junior Varsity B girls basketball, coached by Coli Simmons and Jon Cvitanich, finished 9-1 overall, 7-1 in league, co-champs of the WBAL and champions of the WBAL tournament! Team awards went to Courtni Thompson (MVP), Maria Vazhaeparambil (Eagle), and Anna Vazhaeparambil (Coaches), all grade 5.

Junior Varsity C girls basketball, coached by Michelle Hopkins, finished 2-3, fifth place in the WBAL. Team awards went to Brooklyn Cicero (MVP), Ashley Barth (Eagle) and Anishka Raina and Angela Jia (Coaches), all grade 4.

Intramural girls basketball is coached by Vanessa Rios, Miles Brown and Laura Wolfe. Team awards went to Advika Phadnis and Aditi Vinod (MVPs), Anvitha Tummala and Vidya Jeyendran (Eagle), and Arusha Patil and Suman Mohanty (Coaches), all grade 5.

Junior Varsity B boys soccer, coached by Jared Ramsey and Walid Fahmy, is currently 4-1, and should finish as co-champs of the WBAL! Team awards went to Ryan Tobin (MVP), Arjun Virmani (Eagle) and Srinath Somasundaram (Coaches), all grade 5.

Intramural boys soccer is coached by Jim McGovern and Scott Rudolph. Team awards went to Sasvath Ramachandran (Eagle), Dhruv Saoji and Aaditya Gulati (Coaches), all grade 4.

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