Memorable Night on the Town Gala Wows Crowd of 300

This article originally appeared in the summer 2015 Harker Quarterly.

It was easy to understand the “Sky’s the Limit” theme of this year’s Night on the Town gala, held May 9 on the top of a hill with spectacular views of the mid-Peninsula, at the home of Susan and Scott McNealy (Scout, grade 8; Colt, grade 10; Dakota, grade 11; Maverick ’13).

The 300 attendees moved through- out the home visiting areas including the champagne patio, “view of the valley” swing spot, theater, casino and silent auction table. Guests enjoyed dinner under a beautiful sunset, and performances by several of Harker’s dance, show choir and instrumental ensembles.

Joe Rosenthal, executive director
of advancement, capped the dinner portion of the evening with the announcement that an additional
$7 million had been pledged to the new gym and theater buildings from an anonymous donor who had al- ready pledged $3 million during the initial Rothschild Challenge phase of the campaign. (Look for full coverage on the new gym and theater buildings in the advancement section on pg. 43.)
